Thursday, 30 July 2015

The 2 week wait

When I jumped on the TTC blog-reading spree, the acronyms like OPK, AF etc was so confusing. But nothing was as confusing as 2WW. What the what, I thought to myself. I slowly learnt that it referred to the dreaded '2 week wait'. That is the time between you ovulate or when you've undergone a IUI or IVF and the date on which your doctor will advise you to take the home pregnancy test. All accounts of the 2ww mentioned that the wait is agonizing. And they are absolutely right. It is agonizing, since you can do nothing to improve your chances. I feel that I have an exam but I can't study and prepare before-hand. It is so frustrating. On top of it, I'm having terrible mood swings.

Yesterday, I asked my husband to pick up a packet of potato chips on his way back home. It was raining so he dashed back home from the train station, skipping the grocery store. And that started the stupidest of fights in a long(ish) time. I sulked, refused to talk to him and at one point in time, even stomped my foot.When it had stopped raining, my husband dashed to the store and bought chips which I refused to eat. This drama continued until late at night, when my craving won over my self-righteous anger and I happily devoured the entire packet. I was in such a good mood that I even let my husband take a couple of bites! I usually get these kind of mood swings when my periods are drawing near. Or is it the side effect of duphaston?

So the wait itself...I feel that I need to take a break from all the TTC related reading I've been doing of late. It has been comforting to know that there are many, many women who are going through this journey. At the same time, I feel that it has contributed to my obsession with everything related to IVF, pregnancies and babies. I feel exhausted. There are other things in my life that I'm not paying attention to. Those are the things that will keep me sane and will get me through to the next week and beyond. I'll continue to blog, but I'm going to cut down on the obsessive reading and researching.

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